Grand final jumper grand prize for grand finale

Fair reward: The Never Give Up Group are auctioning a signed Collingwood jumper as part of their final MND Dennis Gleeson Superchallenge event. Photo: SUPPLIED
AFTER last year’s AFL Grand Final victory, a 2023 Collingwood jumper signed by the players is sure to attract lots of bids in the Dennis Gleeson MND Superchallenge auction.
The event will be held at Heathcote Bowling Club on Australia Day.
“After eight years, this will be our last MND Superchallenge,” said Heathcote Bowling Club secretary Peter Cunningham.
“We are hoping to raise a significant amount for our last effort and the Collingwood jumper is sure to be popular.”
Mr Cunningham is a member of the Never Give Up group, formed in 2015 after bowling club member Dennis Gleeson was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
The group has raised funds for MND Victoria ever since through the Australia Day Superchallenge and other fundraisers.
The charity supports those living with degenerative disease and their families.
“A number of local businesses have added their support,” said Mr Cunningham.
“They include Brad Todd Real Estate, Red Edge, Easytow Trailers, Mandalay Resources, McIvor Meats, and IGA.
“There will also be some well-known bowlers joining us.
“Neil Dalrymple CEO World Bowls, Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist Josh Thornton and Irene Attard who represented Malta in the Commonwealth Games will be attending.”
Local MPs Annabelle Cleeland and Lisa Chesters will also attend to add their support to the event.
“We hope as many locals as possible come down and support us,” said Mr Cunningham. “Buy a raffle ticket, bid at the auction or simply cheer on the players. It all helps.”