Info night on IB program

August 7, 2021 BY

Studies: Year 11 students at Creek Street Christian College are the first students from a Bendigo school to undertake the International Baccalaureate program. Photo: FILE

PARENTS can find out how the International Baccalaureate could benefit their child, at Creek Street’s Christian College’s second information night.

The school is the first and only in the region to offer the program, an internationally recognised certificate and pathway to university and alternative to the Victorian Education Certificate, or VCE.

Creek Street Principal Coral Maxwell said the program, which is in its first year, aligns with the school’s values.

“We found that it was a program that’s going to fit really well with the Christian ethos of the college,” she said.

“We’ve always had a good academic reputation at our college and the International Baccalaureate program just fits really well.

“It does give us a point of difference as well in the Bendigo community, it’s nice to be able to offer Bendigo another option for these year levels.”

Ms Maxwell said the International Baccalaureate offers a “well-rounded education” with students studying six main subject groups of their choosing with units designed to be applicable in any workplace.

“There’s also some core additional subjects around theory of knowledge, extended essay and creativity action and service,” Ms Maxwell said.

“Those three core areas that everyone does are really where they get to be involved in their community and serve others and really learn about how they learn themselves.

“Things like being knowledgeable and open-minded communicators, risk takers, reflective. They’re all those sorts of skills you would use in any work environment, and I think are probably even more important now and really good 21st century skills.”

The college currently has nine students in year 11 completing the IB, and Ms Maxwell said they have responded very well to the program, even in an interrupted school year.

“For year 11 and 12 students, they’re quite capable in being able to manage that online learning environment,” she said.

“A couple of the subjects are delivered online, most of them will be familiar with that type of learning environment.

Alongside the IB program, progress is also being made on the new $3 million building which will be the main IB program site.

“We should be able to see some progress on the site very soon, we have all the permits we need to have and so it’ll be underway shortly. it will be nice for people going past to see it as it takes shape,” Ms Maxwell said.

The information night will take place on 19 August at the school.