Kids comp to tell tales of bravery

Young storytellers: The Courageous Kids Writing Competition is open for children in grades 4 to 6, with entries to be submitted at any of the 11 Goldfields Libraries locations. Photo: FILE
SENIOR primary school students throughout the region are being invited to take part in Goldfields Libraries’ Courageous Kids Writing Competition.
The initiative is calling on children in grades 4, 5, and 6 to put their penning hands to the test and write a story about themselves at their most courageous.
The competition ties into the release of Courageous Kids and their Amazing Adventures by author Stephanie Owen Reeder and illustrator Liz Duthie.
With the book depicting the non-fictional stories of courageous young Australians, Duthie said the competition is giving more people a chance to tell their own tales.
“The stories in the book are amazing, but we wanted to create an opportunity for young people today to think about how brave they are,” she said.
“Whether it’s sharing a big adventure or smaller moment of courage, like when they had to get through a tough time, performed in the school play, or stood up for a friend, we are really looking forward to hearing their stories.”
The book compiles five original stories and two new works from Reeder’s Heritage Heroes series.
Entries must be between 300 and 500 words, with the winning story to be released as a mini-book by the National Library of Australia with illustrations by Duthie.
The winner will be announced during the launch of Courageous Kids and their Amazing Adventures at 10.30am on Saturday 2 December at Castlemaine Library.
Entries are open until 5pm on Friday 24 November and can be submitted to any Goldfields Library or by emailing [email protected].