Kinder embraces Dja Dja Wurrung culture

November 26, 2022 BY

Making meaning: Members of the Shine Bright Spring Gully Kindergarten community with a wooden sculpture of Gurri the eastern grey kangaroo. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Shine Bright Spring Gully Kindergarten community came together last week to celebrate the installation of three native animal sculptures.

Crafted in wood by local artist RawBoards, the works and represent Guwak the kookaburra, Gurri the eastern grey kangaroo, and Wila the brushtail possum.

The three groups at the kindergarten were previously named after colours and following discussions amongst the families, staff and children, it was felt that renaming the kinder groups using Indigenous words would provide a stronger connection to the language of the Dja Dja Wurrung people.

It’s also hoped the recognition will would help young children understand better their place within the environment and the history of First Nations people.

Emma Bourke, president of the kinder’ s parents’ advisory group, said that it was a beautiful event, with traditional owner Jason Kerr giving a Welcome to Country followed by a didgeridoo performance.

“Over 40 people attended the celebration and it was very special to see these beautiful animal sculptures, which the children chose, because they see them in the surrounding bush,” Ms Bourke said.

“We hope that this is the start of an ongoing conversation to grow an awareness of the rich cultural heritage of First Nations people.”

Ms Bourke also thanked Fosterville Gold Mine for a donation of $3600 and to the parents’ advisory group for its contribution of more than $1600 from their fundraising efforts.