Libs name deputy-mayor for Federal election

December 8, 2023 BY

New campaign: Liberal Senator for Victoria and shadow minister for education Sarah Henderson with Liberal candidate for Bendigo, Matthew Evans. Photo: SOPHIE FOUNÉ

THE LIBERAL Party has announced the current City of Greater Bendigo councillor and deputy-mayor Matthew Evans will contest the seat for Bendigo at the next Federal election.

The announcement was made by a Victorian Senator, and shadow minister for education, Sarah Henderson on Sunday at the Poppet Head Lookout.

Mr Evans said he has been considering entering Federal politics for a while.

“I’m absolutely excited, humbled, and honoured to be endorsed as the Federal Liberal candidate for Bendigo at the next Federal election,” he said.

“I’m absolutely passionate about advocating on local issues, and I’m very keen to be our very strong local voice for Bendigo in Canberra.

“At any level of government, I’ve always wanted to make change, I’ve always wanted to be a strong advocate. That’s why I’m motivated, that’s why I’m keen to get out there.”

At the last Federal election, Darin Schade was the Liberal candidate for Bendigo and lost to Labor’s Lisa Chesters with a 3.26 per cent swing against the conservatives.

Yet Ms Henderson backed Mr Evans’ chances and said he’d take the battle to the incumbent member.

“Matt has a very strong track record of fighting for the City of Greater Bendigo,” said Ms Henderson.

“We’ve got a very major challenge in Bendigo, many, many local residents are really suffering under this Government.

“We have a local member, who despite lots of promises over many, many years, has not delivered now that she is in Government.

“Not one major infrastructure project for the Bendigo electorate, which is really disappointing in two Labor budgets.

“It’s absolutely wonderful that Matt will have all of the time, right up until the next Federal election, whenever it may be, to get out and fight for every part of this community.”

Mr Evans said the electorate was “desperate” for change, and he plans to roll out a strong campaign across the region.

“Many people in our community right now are struggling, most notably with the cost of living crisis that is being experienced at the moment,” he said.

“The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Labor are failing to deliver, and failing to address these concerns.

“From this day, from the very first day, to when the election is called and beyond that point, we’re going to be fighting hard each and every day.”

Ms Henderson declined to say if Mr Evans was selected by a vote of local Liberal branch members or chosen by the party’s State council.

“We don’t really go into the processes of election, other than Matt’s been endorsed as the Liberal candidate,” she said.

“Matt applied for preselection and was successful.”

Barring any special circumstances, the next Federal election needs to be held on or before 25 May 2025 to avoid a separate half-senate election.