Local artist profile: Amy Doak

February 12, 2023 BY

Revealing: Amy Doak’s debut young adult mystery novel will be released in September this year. Photo: SUPPLIED

THIS week we chat with local writer and soon-to-be published author Amy Doak


What initially motivated you to become a writer?

I’ve always loved reading, and started writing little homemade books when I was around seven or eight. When I was younger, I didn’t know anyone who wrote for a living, so I figured it was something you just did for fun. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I started taking writing courses and meeting real life (paid!) writers.

After starting Bendigo Magazine at the end of 2005, I was finally able to write more often and I loved it. When I no longer had the magazine, and after I had my kids, I found that freelance writing really worked well for me and my family. For the last 10 or so years I’ve been writing websites, brochures, articles, advertisements, and all sorts of things for a variety of businesses.


How would you describe your personal writing style?

I think my writing style is perhaps best described as conversational. I’m definitely not a literary, or poetic, or formal writer, and I definitely have a bit of imposter syndrome because of that. My writing style is more casual, and I like to think that it feels as though I’m just having a chat with the reader. It’s taken me years to appreciate that all writing styles are different and equally as valid.


Which other writer types inspire you and why?

The list is far too long! There are many contemporary fiction authors I adore and their books are must reads for me. Michael Robotham and Candice Fox are two Aussie authors I love. I have also been really fortunate to have made some talented and kind writerly friends over the years and they have most definitely served as both support and inspiration for me. Katrina Nannestad, who is a local middle grade fiction author, and a very successful one at that!, has been such a mentor to me over the past few years.


What are some highlights you have from your career so far?

Perhaps the biggest highlight has been the most recent. I have been ticking away at my fiction writing for a few years now and have pitched novels to publishers and literary agents. Just before Christmas I received very exciting news, I signed with a literary agent and I also received a two-book publishing offer from Penguin Random House. It’s absolutely a dream come true.


How can people check out your work?

My YA or young adult – for teens, mystery novel will be out and in bookstores in September 2023! I am on Instagram via @amywritingbooks and will be posting updates about my publishing journey there.


What would you say to young regional aspiring writers who are thinking of having a go at working as a professional?

Write, and read, as much as you can. Like anything, writing takes practice and you don’t know where your strengths lie until you actually start putting words on the page. The more you write, the more you will realise what you are good at; and the more you read, the more you will realise what you love and what stories are important to you. The combination is often what will lead you into a career that is also a passion, and I don’t think you can ask for much more than that.