Local artist profile: Joan Harris

Kicker: Joan Harris said it was her university studies that consolidated the idea she wanted to be a professional artist. Photo: SUPPLIED
THIS week we chat with Bendigo Pottery-based mixed media artist Joan Harris.
What motivated you to become an artist?
I think that most artists will tell you that it’s something innate rather than any conscious decision to become an artist. My love of drawing was there from a young age and I would copy pictures from the art books we had at home. In my early 20s I went to basic art classes. I knew then that I wanted to go to a much deeper level of knowledge and training and it was my university studies that consolidated the idea that I wanted to be a professional artist rather than an amateur.
How would you describe your style?
I worked for many years as a realist painter. Over time I found that the medium of collage was better suited to the intimate scale and content of my subject matter as well as being something I very much enjoy doing. My images are characterised by strong colours, intricate patterns, and textures. I prepare painted paper in a range of tones and colours and also use fragments of fabric and cuttings from magazines.
Are there any particular themes you like to feature in your work?
I’ve always been drawn to portraits and the figure. Most of my work centres on people in various settings and situations. I really enjoy the metaphoric and symbolic possibilities the human figure provides. That is, other levels of meaning that may be underlying the seemingly mundane subject, and these narratives of course vary according to how it’s read by different viewers. My collages mostly depict ordinary people doing ordinary everyday things.
Which other artists inspire you?
I’m influenced by Matisse, particularly the decorative aspects of his paintings, the patterns and sumptuous heightened colour. I love Stanley Spencer’s paintings, the quirkiness, humour and pathos of his characters. I’m also a big fan of David Hockney, his photo Joiners influenced a series of works I did some years ago. Also, I spent a year in Italy where I had the privilege of studying some of my favourite Italian master painters. I made many drawings in situ which prompted subsequent paintings and collages. This time had an enormous impact on my studio practice.
What are some highlights you have from your career so far?
Definitely the time I spent overseas researching my PhD project. I had a residency in Tuscany and spent several months in Florence, London and Spain as well. I had the privilege of spending many, many hours looking at works by contemporary artists as well as the old masters in major galleries and museums.
How can people check out your work and most importantly make a purchase?
I have a studio space out at Bendigo Pottery. I’m usually there on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm until 5pm or by appointment. You can also follow me on Instagram @joanharris.art. Commissioned works are welcome so just message me with any enquires.
What kind of advice would you give to young regional aspiring artists?
Follow your heart. If that is your passion act on it. For me, formal study was the key to developing a professional and informed art practice. It also brought amazing opportunities in the way of travel, which not only broadened my knowledge of art but enriched my life as an artist in so many ways.