Local effort shapes national decision

Taste the freedom: Bendigo Winter Night Shelter volunteers Cyndy Chittenden and Robert Parsons kept the democracy sausages coming at the Keck Street Anglican Church Hall voting centre on Saturday. Photos: KATIE MARTIN
VOTERS turned out across the region to cast their ballot last Saturday, having their say on the country’s Federal leadership.
Frying up the all-important democracy sausage at the Keck Street Anglican Church Hall, which doubled as a voting centre on the day, were volunteers from the Bendigo Winter Night Shelter.
The BWNS is an initiative led by a group of local churches to provide shelter and food to people experiencing homelessness during the cold season.
Sausages were served up using a pay what you can model, and BWNS volunteer coordinator Nayomi Parsons said some people chose to vote at the Keck Street location purely so they could donate to the initiative.
“I think in some ways they’re coming to vote and maybe seeing that they can then support a really great cause in the winter night shelter, others are coming deliberately to be able to donate to such a wonderful cause,” she said.
“People have come further than they normally would have to be able to support us which is great.”
Ms Parsons said the sausage sizzle proceeds would go to purchasing new cot beds for guests and paying for use of the Koolamurt Scout Camp, which will provide the BWNS with dorm rooms for five nights every week.
“We appreciate anything because it all helps and goes to making a change and a massive difference in the lives of people who don’t have what some of the rest of us have,” she said.

Campaigning to retain her Bendigo seat was Labor’s Lisa Chesters who cast her vote at Epsom Primary School on Saturday morning and thanked Australian Electoral Commission staff for their work on the day.
“They are the ones who make sure that our democracy is open and transparent… it is great to see it in action,” she said.
“Election day always has that great feeling about it where you know that we have the most transparent, most inclusive democracy in the world.”