Love of music leads to uni appointment

Combining interests: Dr Paul Taylor began music as a hobby after being inspired by organists at church and has recently accepted a position at Australian Catholic University. Photo: SUPPLIED
A BENDIGO organist who grew up watching musicians at St Kilian’s and Sacred Heart Cathedral will be joining a prominent national catholic university as assistant director.
Dr Paul Taylor has degrees in music and liturgy and a doctorate in the latter.
He will be combining his background in music and liturgy in supporting Australian Catholic University, or ACU, educational material, online courses and discussions, seminars, and events.
“We need to work out ways to attract young people in general to our churches in order to enthuse them for ministry in the church, which can be enormously satisfying, even if the work requires dedication and ongoing practice,” said Dr Taylor.
“The key thing is formation, and this is where the ACU Centre for Liturgy can play a vital role, by providing liturgical formation opportunities and empowering people to use their God-given talents for service in the Christian community.”
ACU professor Clare Johnson said she was pleased Dr Taylor was joining the institution’s Centre for Liturgy.
“Dr Paul Taylor brings to the Centre a wealth of knowledge about the Catholic church’s liturgical life, both as a trained church musician in his own right, and as a liturgist who has served the Church at a national level under the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference,” she said.
“The expertise and experience Dr Taylor has garnered over decades of study and research of the liturgy will be of immense value to liturgists and ministers around this country.”