Marong rezoning goes out for input

June 2, 2023 BY

Growth: Changes to land use rules in Marong are now out for community input. Photo: GOOGLE EARTH

 PROPOSED changes to the rules relating to what can be built where in Marong have gone out for public feedback.

Known as a planning scheme amendment, the changes include land rezonings, the application of flooding overlays, and new public open space.

As part of the review process, the City is running feedback sessions at Marong Community Hall, Tuesday, 6 June from 2.30pm to 6pm and again Tuesday, 13 June from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

Municipal director of strategy and growth Steve Hamilton said he encourages residents, business owners and landholders in Marong to check out the amendment and take part in the feedback sessions.

“The City is running two drop-in sessions during the public exhibition timeframe where you can talk to City planners to better understand any potential changes that may affect your property and the township as a whole,” said Mr Hamilton.

Data in the Marong Township Structure Plan suggests up to 8000 people could move into the area over the next 25 years.

As part of the amendment, municipal officers have proposed rezonings in an effort to prepare the town for new for schools, recreation facilities, and residential developments.

Meanwhile, food mapping has shown properties along the north-eastern section of Goldie Street could be inundated by up to nearly a metre of water in a one-in-five flood event.

In a one-in-100-year flooding situation, the study showed buildings on High Street might be impacted by up to 1.2 metres of water, and other properties on other roads could also experience significant induration.

The Marong planning scheme amendment is out for community consultation until 5pm on Friday, 7 July and for more information on the feedback process or to access the documents visit the City of Greater Bendigo website.