
Millions for water system infrastructure

August 25, 2023 BY

Water Wise: An investment from the Federal government will fund investigations into how current water infrastructure can be improved. Photo:ALICIA COOK

COLIBAN Water has been announced as a recipient of Federal funding for a new project to help them improve their water system.

The Government is giving $3.7 million to the water utility to assist with plans for upgrades to existing infrastructure used for agricultural supply.

Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters, said her electorate sits at the base of the Murray-Darling Basin, with a number of river and creek systems feeding into it.

“That’s why the Federal Government is proud to partner with the Coliban and help fund this business case so we can have a plan on how we can save our environment and community water through smart infrastructure,” she said.

In its current state it is estimated that half the water running through the utilities section is wasted.

Managing director of Coliban Water, Damian Wells, said the funding presented an opportunity for the region and for the company’s customers.

“We’re obviously really concerned in terms of our strategy about responding to climate change, aging assets and population growth,” he said.

The Dja Dja Warrung Aboriginal Corporation, DJARRA, was consulted during the preparation of the planned business case for the funding.

Improvements to the existing water infrastructure could see a water savings of up to 6.75 gigalitres per year, with some of that set to return to traditional owners.

“That’s explicitly contemplated in the preliminary business case and we’ll continue to have Djarra embedded in all of the government structure around the project,” Mr Wells said.

“The key beneficiaries of the project will be agriculture, urban users, traditional owners and the environment.”

Coliban Water will contribute a further $2 million to the project which could take up to two years to complete.