More events planned for the Borough

Party on: A Community meeting was held on Monday to form a new Eaglehawk events committee and brainstorm festival ideas, including the return of the Dahlia and Arts Festival. Photo: FILE
THE community of Eaglehawk is taking the suburb’s events into its own hands, starting with the announcement that the Dahlia and Arts Festival will return next March, along with a series of other celebrations throughout the year.
The traditional parade will once again roll down High Street, however committee member Peter Cox said other activities, such as spring and Christmas events, are still being held.
“This [Dahlia and Arts Festival] can be as big or as small as the number of people involved,” he said. “It is planned to conduct the much-loved street procession coordinated by a part time paid person.
“The committee feels that with all the regulations and risk management issues it can no longer just be left to volunteers… it presents an opportunity to do things differently.”
At a community meeting hosted by Mr Cox on Monday, the Dahlia and Arts Festival committee held its AGM and rebranded as Eaglehawk Festivals Inc.
Mr Cox said the people who usually organise the major event are in their 70s and 80s and its future will rely on a younger group of planners.
The meeting was attended by a range of representatives from local businesses, municipal staff, artists and local groups and Lorinda Jane, owner of Burra Emporium and organiser of the Eaglehawk Winter Festival in July, was named the new president of Eaglehawk Festivals.
Mr Cox, who remains as a committee member, said the meeting was great with a lot of enthusiasm in the room, and attention now turns to a Carols by Candlelight event in December.
“The plan includes bite size festivals where people can involve themselves in a range of activities,” he said.
“It is important that strong partnerships are formed between community, business, artists and performers and sponsorships that provide events that are interesting for everyone.”