
Morning ride seeks to start

March 21, 2023 BY

Active: California Gully PS principal Andrew Frawley is looking to promote a more active lifestyle for his students like James, Jagger and Finn. Photo: JORDAN McCARTHY

THE California Gully Primary School community will take part in National Ride2School Day this month to promote a healthier and more active start to the morning for students.

The annual event which sees 350,000 pupils across the country take part will be held on Friday, 24 March.

California Gully principal Andrew Frawley said it is something they do every year and it’s a positive message to send to the students.

“We have realised the importance of trying to start your day in an active way,” he said.

“We know for both the families and the kids it’s a constructive way to connect, to be active and to set yourself up for a really good day at school.”

Mr Frawley said it was important to continue to highlight the message even after National Ride2School day is over.

“It’s something we are trying to grow and expand,” he said. “We know it’s about developing it even further so we can have the kids scooting, skating and riding to school every day.

“We will follow this up next term with our bike education program as well as scooter education, it’s about encouraging them to not just be active but to be safe as well.”

Mr Frawley said school staff will get involved and a number of parents participate on the day.

“We will have meeting points around the community so we can walk together and ride together,” he said.

“In the past, we have connected with families by setting up these meeting points and encouraging them to walk along and ride along as well.

“On the day I think we get about a 30 to 40 percent increase on kids riding, depending on the weather.”