New leash laws start on Monday

Restrained: Dogs in the City of Greater Bendigo must stay on leads from 2024 in a bid to keep people and pets safer in public areas. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY
From New Year’s Day, being on a leash will be the default for dogs in the City of Greater Bendigo.
Earlier this year, councillors voted on the change that all dogs must be on a leash unless they are in one of 21 off-leash areas.
The move followed public feedback on the Domestic Animals Act that was put out for community consultation in December 2022, and subsequently received 194 submissions with 83 per cent of respondents supporting the new on-leash rules.
Municipal coordinator for local laws and animal services, Sam Johnston, said the decision by the City of Greater Bendigo had been worked on for several years.
“The changes go back to 2021 when we did the engagement for the domestic animal management plan which highlighted dogs off-leash as a major concern for the community,” he said.
“We’re doing it to keep public areas safe and enjoyable for everyone and every dog as well.”
Mr Johnston said there will be off-leash area options for those who would like to let their dogs run around more freely, including four dog parks and 17 off-leash areas.
“Previously, Greater Bendigo has been off-leash default, the new requirements will make all of the municipality on-leash for dogs,” he said.
“Hence, why we have those new designated off-leash areas where people can still allow their dog to run off-lead in certain spots.
“You’re always going to get two sides to the story, but generally the feedback is that it’s accepted and welcomed by the community.”
According to the City of Greater Bendigo’s Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-2025, incidents involving dogs and cats are the second largest cause of complaint to the municipality each year.
For more information on the dog parks and off-leash areas visit the City of Greater Bendigo website.