New-look backyard opens at Long Gully centre

Play space: Children enjoying the new backyard at the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED
ALMOST two years of planning and work came to fruition when the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre’s backyard renovations were officially opened this week.
What started out as an idea for a miniature bike path for children involved in the centre’s various programs developed into a complete transformation of the area.
To mark its completion, yesterday’s celebrations featured a coffee van, a morning tea, and songs from the centre playgroup and its ‘Giggle & Sing’ community singing group.
Centre coordinator Kerry Parry said many people and organisations had contributed to the project.
“Many thanks to the City of Greater Bendigo for all of their work in developing (and funding a large proportion of) the backyard space which included replacement of ageing play equipment, installation of a naturally landscaped sandpit and water play area together with a mini bike path complete with street signs,” she said.
Ms Parry said Nestle Professionals and the Eaglehawk UFS Dispensary also provided funding for the rebuild.
“Our revitalised backyard space will provide children and families with a fun, interactive environment that promotes active play, learning and community connection,” she said.
“LGNC extends its heartfelt gratitude to the City of Greater Bendigo, Nestle Professionals and Eaglehawk UFS Dispensary for their support and commitment to creating inclusive, vibrant spaces for Long Gully and surrounds families.”
Children who use the new-look backyard include those involved in the Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services playgroup and storytime activities, the Anglicare HIPPY program for early childhood, the Playgroup Victoria grandparents playgroup, and more.
A feature of the backyard is a ducks crossing sign, and Ms Parry said the centre is on the lookout for garden ornamental-type ducks to place near it.
Anyone who can help can contact the centre by phoning 5442 1165 or by emailing [email protected].