New space for multicultural services

September 22, 2022 BY

Now open: The Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services board and staff celebrated moving into their new Hargreaves Street office last Saturday. Photo: STEVE WOMERSLEY

LODDON Campaspe Multicultural Services has a new home after outgrowing their previous office on Macrae Street.

Organisation staff and members of multicultural communities celebrated the move into the bigger space at 437 Hargreaves Street with an opening party last Saturday.

CEO Sonia Di Mezza said after working predominantly out of the Macrae Street office since 1999, it was clear a new building was needed.

“We’ve grown really fast over the past year-and-a-half and we weren’t able to accommodate our staff anymore, particularly with social distancing that was happening and also for staff numbers,” she said.

A modern building with traditional exposed brick, Ms Di Mezza said the new space is “really warm and inviting”, with enough room for several private offices and a reception area.

“It’s got that homey feel and that’s really… we really needed a place not just to accommodate our staff, but the communities that come here and interact with us,” she said.

LCMS aims to help newly arrived migrants, refugees, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds settle into the Loddon Campaspe region by offering employment, housing, and education services.

Multicultural groups and associations are also supported to organise their own celebrations and inform the wider community about their backgrounds.

Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services is comprised of Ms Di Mezza, six committee members, 15 part-time staff and more than 30 volunteers.

“Everyone is very dedicated and passionate and loves the work they do with multicultural communities,” Ms Di Mezza said.

“We’re very excited about the future. We hope people will know where we are and will come and visit us.”