
New wellbeing plan for construction workers

June 9, 2021 BY

Positivity: A mental health initiative has been launched to ensure the wellbeing of people in the building industry. Photo: DAN PELED/ AAP IMAGE

THE Civil Contractors Federation of Victoria is calling on Bendigo builders to join its new mental health initiative.

The Positive Plans – Positive Futures project has been developed to assist with wellbeing issues associated with the construction industry.

CEO of CCF Victoria John Kilgour said more needs to be done to address mental health in the workplace and the new project is here to help any construction workers who are doing it tough in Bendigo.

“We have cultural heritage plans, energy efficiency plans and COVID-safe plans but we think it is time construction businesses to have a mental health action plan,” he said. “We need to make a pledge to make mental health and wellbeing a priority in the workplace.”

A special dinner in Bendigo was organised for tomorrow night to help promote mental health awareness however it has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

CCF Victoria is concerned about the adverse effects coronavirus lockdowns have had on builders and their families.

In March, CCF Victoria convened a positive mental health and wellbeing summit, attended by over 100 people, to announce the new project and ensure construction workers are more than just physically safe.

Stress levels have also increased due to the pressures on the industry to help recover the state’s economy with billion-dollar infrastructure programs.

According to a Swinburne University study in 2018, the average levels of depression, anxiety and stress in construction workers were about 40 per cent higher than the normal population.

To express your interest in joining the Positive Plans – Positive Futures mental health initiative, visit ccfvic.com.au/positive-plans-positive-futures.