On a roll to help beat motor neurone disease

January 22, 2023 BY

Bowled over: Never Give Up Group members Bill Gardiner, Chris Cail and Dinah Finn are part of a team hoping to defeat motor neurone disease. Photo: PETER WEAVING

BOWLERS will be rolling in from far and wide for the Dennis Gleeson MND Superchallenge fundraiser this Australia Day at Heathcote Bowling Club.

World Bowls chief executive Neil Dalrymple described MND as an “insidious disease” and said he had a strong personal interest in coming along and supporting the superchallenge.

“Last week, former Bowls Australia President Nigel Smith passed away from MND,” he said.

“Being part of a bowling club is more than just putting some bowls down the green and bowlers are renowned for supporting community initiatives, which makes our sport stand out from many others.

“Heathcote Bowling Club is a shining example of a club who, year-on-year, continues to support this cause and I am very pleased to be able to continue to support this event and play a small part in its success.”

Superchallenge co-organiser Peter Cunningham said Euroa MP Annabelle Cleeland would open the day’s proceedings at 10am.

“After that there will be bowling until 12.30pm and then again from 1.30 to 2.30pm, everyone is welcome to come and watch,” he said.

“There’s a raffle draw around 3pm, followed by the winners’ presentation and then the auction at 4pm.

“We encourage all the Heathcote community to come along and enjoy the day. Buy a drink at the bar and a raffle ticket and bid at the auction.”

One of the auction highlights is a signed and framed Collingwood jumper and there’s also a large coffee table made by local artisan Alister Trease, a wine fridge with wine, bowls merchandise, mixed local wines, and a mystery item.

Raffle prizes include bikes, tools, a barbecue, MND merchandise and meat vouchers from local and Bendigo businesses including Giant Bikes, Todd Property, Total Tools and McIvor Meats.

Raffle tickets can be purchased now for $5 at Heathcote Post Office and the Oval Café or by calling 0418 304 259. They will also be on sale at the bowling club on the day.

The Dennis Gleeson MND Superchallenge is organised by the Never Give Up Group and all money raised goes to MND Victoria to support those living with motor neurone disease.

This year the total raised by the group, since 2016, for MND Victoria is expected to pass $100,000.