Push to keep horses linked

Giddy up: Horse owners are required to register the animals with a property identification code. Photo: FILE
STAFF at Agriculture Victoria are encouraging horse owners throughout the state to register their animals for a property identification code, or PIC.
Registration is aimed at ensuring horses can be properly tracked, and Agriculture Victoria’s manager of livestock traceability Ben Fahy said it will provide an added layer of protection during emergencies.
“If there’s a flood, fire or disease outbreak, we may need to reach out with concerns specific to your animals, or for emergency relief and recovery activities within an impacted area,” he said.
“Getting a PIC is quick, easy, and free via the Agriculture Victoria website. All that’s required is your contact details, the number of horses and the parcels of land where they’re kept.”
PICs are eight-character codes allocated by Agriculture Victoria for tracing and are a requirement by law for every Victorian property that houses livestock, including horses.
Mr Fahy said PICS are mandatory no matter what reason a horse is kept on a property.
“PICs are required whether you keep a horse for recreational, agricultural or competitive purposes, even for your brood mare in the paddock,” he said.
Registration for PICs can be made at the Agriculture Victoria website or by calling 1800 678 770.