Refugee Week for freedom and family

June 20, 2024 BY

Reflecting: This week Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services celebrated Refugee Week. Photo: SUPPLIED

IT is nearly the end of Refugee Week and to mark the occasion Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services  have organised a community gathering today.

The event will celebrate the contributions of individuals from refugee backgrounds with the sharing of stories and performances.

“Refugee Week reminds us of the immense value refugees bring to our society,” said Merrilyn Gaulke, board chair.

“Our gathering aims to foster understanding and appreciation for their unique experiences.”

The theme of this year’s Refugee Week is Finding Freedom: Family, which aims to look at the power of familial bonds.

Elisangela Couto, team leader for community development and capacity building at Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services, said family plays a pivotal role in refugees’ lives.

“It’s really to do with the transformative power that family bonds have in shaping people’s choices,” she said.

“Family is not just the nuclear family, but it is also the community that they embrace and get into.”

Throughout the week, program participants have had the opportunity to reflect on their experiences.

“We have English classes, we have women’s activities, we have playgroups and others,” said Ms Couto.

“We had down time in each of the programs to sit and reflect not about Refugee Week but about the role of each person in that room and how they came and a reflection of their own experience and journey.

“We put it in a positive way to they reflect on the things that have achieved.”

To learn more about refugee stories in the community, sign up to Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services’ newsletter.