
Roll up for free bowls membership

April 23, 2021 BY

Social sport: Alf Manallack, Brian Ede, Richard Daly, Max Scholes and George Manallack enjoy a sunny day on the green at the Lockwood South Bowls Club. Photo: JONATHON MAGRATH

ALMOST hidden among the trees in Lockwood South lies a small bowls club with a big history.

Formed in 1979, Lockwood South Bowls Club started competing in pennant in 1980 with a Women’s team formed in 1981.

But life member Alf Manallack said member numbers have dropped off over the last decade.

“We probably had close to 40 members 10 years ago,” he said. “The last few years we’ve only had 10, it’s gradually dropped back.

“If we don’t get members this season it looks like it might close down.”

Last summer season the club did not field a pennant team due to COVID-19, and bowlers have been lured away by bigger bowls clubs in the region.

Mr Manallack said he had seen a trend of fewer members joining since their clubrooms were destroyed but fire in 2004.

Rebuilt in 2006, the clubrooms now feature a fully equipped kitchen and bar available to members, and even allows for carpet bowls indoors during the winter months.

Newest member Richard Daly believes there is hope for the club, crediting the friendly and welcoming atmosphere as his reason for joining.

“I already feel at home,” Mr Daly said. “It’s really relaxed but the sport can test you as well.”

While they work to rebuild the club’s membership, Mr Manallack and brother George front a team of dedicated volunteers keeping the club alive.

“All our activities on the green, keeping the green going, it’s all voluntary labour,” Mr Manallack said. “We’re all volunteers and we do what we can to keep it going.”

As a way of retuning numbers and reinvigorating the organisation, Lockwood South Bowls Club is offering free membership for social bowlers and competition bowlers until the end of the 2022 season.

If you’re looking at giving bowls a try, or are looking for an afternoon of laid-back fun, contact president Brian Ede on 0409 640 513 visit the Lockwood South Bowls Club today.