
Safety bollards a work of art

April 1, 2021 BY

Colourful: MP Jacinta Allan with students from Bendigo schools who decorated concrete bollards last Friday. Photo: SUPPLIED

NEW protective concrete bollards have been turned into works of art, as part of a State Government’s program focusing on public safety.

Students from Bendigo South East College Academy of Creative Arts program, Camp Hill Primary School, and Eaglehawk Secondary College took part in the art project at Thistle Street Recreation Reserve last Friday.

Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan said the project strikes a perfect balance between safety and public art.

“Turning a practical safety measure into works of art by local children is a great way to reinforce the community spirit that’s behind so many great events in Bendigo,” she said.

The relocatable concrete blocks will act as vehicle barriers during public events, while also serving as pieces of vibrant street art with the colourful designs complementing the city’s many public art exhibitions.

“These bollards will become part of the Bendigo streetscape while helping maintain confidence in the safety of many public events in the years to come,” Ms Allen said.

City of Greater Bendigo manager of tourism and major events Terry Karamaloudis said using the bollards was a requirement set by State and Federal governments.

“Outdoor major events have to run in accordance with Victorian and Australian Government event guidelines, which require hostile vehicle barriers to be placed in busy public areas,” he said.

“They will support major events such as the Bendigo Easter Festival, and event organisers can enquire with the City about the use of the bollards and if their event requires them.”