State money for local festival

Good times: Held at the Garden of the Future in White Hills, the Zinda Festival brings together people from different cultural background. Photo: FILE
LODDON Campaspe Multicultural Services has been allocated a grant by the State Government to run the Zinda Multicultural Festival.
The annual festival aims to celebrate diversity in regional Victoria and was started in 2018.
It has since drawn large crowds to enjoy its music, food, art, and culture, as well as providing an opportunity for the wider community to come together.
“No-one does multiculturalism as well as Victoria and these wonderful events and festivals help us to celebrate the different cultures and communities that are thriving all over our vibrant state,” said Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Colin Brooks.
“The Multicultural Festivals and Events Grants Program is invaluable in supporting our state’s diverse communities, and as Minister for Multicultural Affairs I’ve been lucky enough to see just how many members of our community benefit from these shared cultural celebrations.”
As part of the funding program State Government allocated $1.3 million for multicultural events in Victoria.
Subsequently, grants of up to $50,000 were given to 346 organisations for regional and metropolitan events between 1 July and 31 December.
This year the Zinda Multicultural Festival will take place between 11am to 4pm on Saturday 7 October at Garden for the Future in White Hills.
In its first year, Zinda drew 4000 participants, which made it the biggest multicultural event held in Bendigo.