
STEM to be sent to small schools

March 26, 2021 BY

Innovative: Rural and regional students will have more access to STEM learning from the Bendigo Discovery Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED

HOME grown science is making its mark across country Victorian schools.

Thanks to funding from the Department of Education, the Bendigo Discovery Centre will launch three programs to deliver more science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

General manager of the centre Alissa Van Soest said it’s important every student has access to STEM resources.

“Isolation can be a major influence on students losing interest in science,” she said.

“Both the Department and Discovery want to send our talented science communicators to smaller rural schools with less than 100 students to deliver hands on learning in robotics, electronics and problem solving.”

Discovery will continue its virtual workshops, which began in Term 4 last year as part of learning from home during COVID-19 lockdowns, and a special roadshow program is also being delivered.

Science kits, circuits, switches and robots will be provided to help develop and nurture students’ creativity.

A more challenging STEM program will be offered for high ability students across the Loddon Campaspe region.

The new STEM development marks the first time Discovery has partnered with the Department of Education to travel to regional schools either in person or virtually.

Discovery will deliver its programs over ten thousand students in country Victoria to help achieve the state-wide goal of a third more 15-year-olds reaching the highest levels of achievement in science.

“We’d like to spread the message far and wide that our team is keen to build science and technology relationships with schools from Mildura to Mallacoota,” Ms Van Soest said.