Students explore tertiary options

On top of it: Olive Ritchie, Ruby Conti and Miffy Fisher from Girton Grammar took part in a recent VCE conference in Melbourne ahead of the new school year. Photo: SUPPLIED
PRIOR to the start of the school year, Year 12 students from Girton Grammar attended a two-day Victorian Certificate of Education conference in Melbourne.
While the high school’s new Year 12s have in the past gone on camp, this time they stayed at University College, a residence at the University of Melbourne, and toured four higher education institutions in the city.
As well as Melbourne Uni, the students visited Monash, Swinburne, and La Trobe’s Bundoora campuses.
Girton’s principal Dr Emma O’Reilly said this year staff changed the experience so students set to leave school soon could learn more about tertiary education options.
“By bringing our students to Melbourne, we hope to unshroud some of the mysteries about what their life after school might look like, in terms of completing further studies, as well as living in a new environment away from home,” she said.
“This will hopefully empower them to choose the path that most resonates with them.”
Dr O’Reilly said it also provided an opportunity for the students to enjoy more time with their cohort.
“While they are all on an individual path, Year 12 is ultimately a shared experience,” she said.
The trip included a formal dinner at the college with two past Girton students: Rachael Welling – an environmental engineer, and Dean Armstrong – a specialist in human resources law.
Dr O’Reilly said Girton’s ultimate goal is to help students prepare for whatever path they might take after school.
“We want to inspire them to achieve their personal best; academically, as leaders of our student body, in their co-curricular pursuits, and in every element of their lives,” she said.