VicHealth funding to support youth projects

July 28, 2022 BY

Order up: Bendigo Foodshare has received $50,000 from VicHealth. It means programs like Café for a Day, which provides students with hospitality experience can continue to run for another 12 months. Photo: FILE

THREE Bendigo organisations have received major VicHealth funding, aimed at supporting community-led initiatives benefiting young people.

Bendigo Foodshare, Regional Victorians of Colour and the Neighbourhood Kids Club each received about $50,000 to ensure their programs can continue.

At Foodshare, the money means the Café for a Day hospitality program, the Cooking for Change school-based meals program and volunteering program can all continue for another 12 months.

Youth project officer Sam Kane said the organisation is delighted to receive JumpStart funding.

“It allows us to continue our vital work we’ve been undertaking with young people across Central Victoria in relation to their food security,” he said.

According to VicHealth research, three in four young people said the cost of healthy food had some or strong impact on them enjoying good health.

“[Our] programs have a focus on building food security and resilience for young people and connecting them with information, skills and knowledge about where they can seek support,” Mr Kane said.

Mr Kane said providing hands on learning and work experience is a major part of Bendigo Foodshare’s goals.

Regional Victorians of Colour will use their funding to continue the moving feast project and partner with four primary schools and three community centres in regional Victoria.

The moving feasts encourage parents and children from migrant and refugee backgrounds to share their food with their schools and communities.

Funding for the Neighbourhood Kids Club enables the organisation to establish a free space for young people aged between eight and 13 to participate in physical and creative activities.

Across the state, 123 organisations received a share of $3.75 million from VicHealth for projects with themes of food, art and play.