
VIEW Club celebrates 30 years

September 27, 2024 BY
VIEW Club 30th Anniversary

Congratulations: Presidents Lesley Marburg (Keilor), Sue Middleton (Bendigo), and Suzanne Wright (Shepparton) with national councillor Janet Park (second from right). Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Bendigo Evening VIEW Club notched up a significant milestone earlier this month, marking thirty years of supporting The Smith Family.

More than 130 VIEW club members gathered at Chasers Function Centre in Junortoun for a birthday celebration on Saturday 7 September in conjunction with the Keilor and Shepparton clubs, which were also marking their 30th anniversaries.

Bendigo president Sue Middleton said the day’s theme was boas and pearls.

“The room and guests looked fabulous; it was a wonderful turnout,” she said.

“The celebration was a day of fun and friendship for this large group of women who give selflessly of their time throughout the year to raise money for students sponsored by each club.”

VIEW (Voices, Interests and Education for Women) clubs raise money for The Smith Family which supports children in need throughout their education, and around Australia, VIEW clubs now assist more than 1680 young people.


The celebratory birthday cake was designed and made by Rose Ellen Hanna.


“It is a caring, friendly and worthwhile organisation empowering women to make a difference,” Ms Middleton said.

“VIEW is the largest community sponsor of the charity’s Learning for Life program, which provides students with financial, educational and personal support – which is crucial, particularly in the current economic climate.”

Eight members of the three clubs received 30-year service pins, having been members of their respective clubs since they began.

“The afternoon was emceed by Sunnie Watts, who did a marvellous job,” Ms Middleton said.

“Entertainer Elana McKinley, who has been a dancer, actor and model and who has worked all over the world – including Las Vegas – invited the presidents of the three clubs to join her on stage, donning some of her props.

“The organising committee worked tirelessly in the leadup to the event and their efforts were rewarded by its wonderful success.”