Vintage motorbikes come to town
HEATHCOTE showground was filled with the throaty roar of over one hundred motorbikes when members of the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club dropped in for morning tea last Saturday.
The riders had come from Bendigo where they had gathered from across Australia as part of the 2023 Suzuki VJMC National Rally.
Among them was Old Bike Australasia magazine’s Sue Scaysbrook on her 1987 Honda GB 500.
“I absolutely love motorcycling,” she said. “I’ve been riding since I was 16 and nine months, which was when we could get our licence way back then.
“I love the feeling of being on the open road, opening it out where we can, and on this morning’s ride I was able to let it rip.
“It’s just so wonderful to see so many beautiful older bikes being ridden really well and people having a whole lot of fun.”