Water main halts public toilet work

August 2, 2024 BY
Elmore Public Toilet Delay

The privacy block will feature a kookaburra theme chosen by community vote. Image: SUPPLIED

A PREVIOUSLY-unknown water main beneath the site of Elmore’s new public toilet and changing place has brought construction to a halt.

The $520,000 project at Railway Place on the Northern Highway will be moved several metres.

City of Greater Bendigo presentation and assets director Brian Westley said construction on the new block started in May but an undetected water main was discovered under the former toilet block.

“It was a surprise to everyone,” Mr Westley said. “Coliban Water do not authorise buildings to be constructed over their water mains and this has meant the city has had to change the location of the new building by several metres.


Portable toilets are in use while the new Elmore facility is built. Photo: SUPPLIED


“The change to the location has required the city to undertake further consultation with various authorities and obtain permit amendments which has resulted in the project delays.

“However, we are hopeful that construction works will resume in the near future.”

The new block is being built as part of the city’s Public Toilet Strategy in efforts to improve disability access throughout the municipality.

“When completed the new Elmore public toilet facility will feature five unisex cubicles, two accessible unisex cubicles and a changing place to provide suitable facilities for people who cannot use standard accessible cubicles,” Mr Westley said.

Changing places have been a requirement of the National Construction Code for certain types of public buildings since 2019.

Temporary fencing has been erected at the site and the area reconfigured to reduce impact on nearby parking.

Portable toilets, which are regularly cleaned and restocked, are available a short distance away near the Elmore Miniature Railway at the southern end of the township.

The project has been funded by the city with a $110,000 grant from the Victorian government. The new block was originally scheduled for completion late this year or early next year.

It will feature a front screen designed with a kookaburra theme, chosen through a community vote.