Young talent recognised at awards

June 16, 2023 BY

On stage: Ryan McPartlane was one of the winners at the recent RAW Arts Awards and performed is song, Moving on, during the presentation event. Photo: SUPPLIED

WINNERS in the City of Greater Bendigo 2023 RAW Arts Awards were revealed at the Capital last week and nominees put on a performance for those in attendance.

The night was filled with show tunes, original songs, dance routines, and silent films before winners were announced.

Major award recipients on the night were Anna Dunnicliff-Wells in the literary award category, Ryan McPartlane for performing arts, Sara Hancock for short film, and Bethany Mansfield for visual arts.

McPartlane performed his winning song Moving On and said he was thrilled to receive the accolade amount a talented group of nominees.

“I am kind of speechless, I wasn’t expecting it,” he said. “There were so many incredible performers, like far out, there was such talent backstage and everyone’s so supportive as well.

“I mean, it was a great feeling to win, but I feel like there were so many other people who could have won it.”

The singer/ songwriter said the track he performed on the Capital stage during the awards event came together quickly.

“To be honest, I don’t really remember writing it too much,” McPartlane said. “It just kind of came out of nowhere, just sitting around in my room, probably like 11 or 12 at night.

“I just started writing and then got out the guitar and it all happened.”

Visual arts winner Bethany Mansfield is a RAW Arts veteran and finally got the nod for the top award this year.

“I was very surprised, honestly,” she said. “I’ve been entering for 10 years and it’s the first time I’ve won, so I was very, very happy.

“I’ve been entering RAW since I was 15, so this is actually the last award that I could apply for.”

Mansfield’s winning piece Here’s my anchor; the one that also has gold within was an ode to her partner she said.

“I sort of feel a bit all over the shop all the time, and I feel like he’s the only one that can really bring me back and anchor me down,” she said.

“Even if he himself is not perfect or is broken in his own way he can always fix me.”

City of Greater Bendigo mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said the RAW Arts Awards and exhibition was about the municipality supporting the region’s young creatives.

“RAW celebrates the creativity of young people and the quality of work produced is again very high, demonstrating the outstanding depth of talent of local young artists,” she said.

“We received wonderful applications from artists, writers, filmmakers and performers aged five to 25, from 28 suburbs and small towns.

“I congratulate the winners and all those who have contributed to RAW this year and shared their talent, imagination and stories.”