Hearing and happiness!

February 7, 2025 BY

Dirk de Moore – Audiologist, Bendigo Hearing Clinic.

Why is our hearing so important to us?

Our quality of life is linked to our ability to hear well.

Hearing well allows you to join in daily life and be self confident in your work, socially and with family.

It is the key to good interpersonal relationships and social experiences. Some sounds, such as music, the sounds of nature or the voice of loved ones also speak to us on an emotional plane.

What impact does hearing loss have at home?

I often joke with my patients that I’m part audiologist and part marriage counsellor. Most people who come to see me as a couple are soon complaining that they’re spouse is as ‘deaf as a post’ and that this causes much domestic tension.

The reply however is usually along the lines of, “well if you faced me instead of sticking your head in the kitchen cupboard or walking away when you talk then maybe I’d have a better chance of hearing you!”

Improving your hearing will help your happiness on the domestic front and much of my time in the hearing clinic revolves around talking to couples about how to communicate better by using good hearing tactics and by successfully wearing state of the art hearing aids.

What’s the latest technology like in hearing aids?

We now have miniature instruments that provide optimal support in the most challenging listening situations and most are rechargeble and Bluetooth compatible.

Our clinic fits reputable European hearing aid brands that match the latest technology with award winning design.

As we specialise by choice in the private hearing aid market, we also have high proportion of younger active “baby boomer” clients who are technology savvy and happy to embrace new age hearing instruments.

We make state of the art hearing solutions both effective and easy to use.

What’s special about the clinic?

We specialise in providing hearing aid fittings to private clientele who are seeking an exclusive and customised service from highly experienced and ethical professionals.

I’ve been fitting hearing aids for over 40 years and understand what is required to achieve successful outcomes.

Independent survey results reveal a high satisfaction rating (over 95 per cent) with our services.

We are also locally owned and operated and not commercially linked to any manufacturer.

For more information or to make an appointment with Bendigo’s most experienced audiologist contact the Bendigo Hearing Clinic on 5442 5800 or visit bendigohearingclinic.com.au.