Disc golf comp coming next month

July 27, 2021 BY

Frisbee fun: Bendigo Disc Golf will hold its first tournament at Quarry Hill Golf Club next month. Photo: ANDREW FERGUSON

FIFTY-one people have signed up for Bendigo Disc Golf’s first major tournament, next month’s 2021 Central VIC Classic.

The tournament will consist of three rounds of 18 holes over Saturday, 14 August and Sunday, 15 August.

Tournament director Jackson Adams said the club is keen to get the event underway after COVID-19 interrupted many events since their opening at Quarry Hill Golf Club in January 2020.

“It was pretty hard to get stuff up and running again this year with lockdowns,” he said.

“It’s been hard to get come and try days and events going. It’ll be good to get this event going and then looking into the future we’ll start up social days for people to come and try.”

Mr Adams said the local interest in the relatively new sport has been good.

“We had a few people in Bendigo prior to the course installation,” he said.

“We did these things named Friday Night Disc-os which were essentially come and try nights over the daylight savings just gone and had a really good response of people who’d never played disc golf coming and playing.

“Since COVID, there’s been a lot of people in Victoria and Australia take up disc golf or frisbee golf.

“When I first started playing three or four years ago my disc golf number was 967 and one of my friends signed up the other day and he’s about 3500. So over that time there’s been a massive growth.”

Mr Adams said the course and events would be possible without the support of Quarry Hill Golf Club, the City of Greater Bendigo and local Rotary clubs.

“Quarry Hill Golf Club have been really good in maintaining the course, they helped out in the initial stages with the installation of the baskets and tee signs,” he said.

“Along with the grant we got from the council and the input three different Rotary clubs sort of got the course in the ground. The club’s been good in maintaining and running the course.”

Disc golf allows for players to compete in different levels, including open, advanced, novice and over 50s for men and women.

Like traditional golf, the aim of the sport is to get to the pin in a few steps as possible, however, rather than clubs and balls, three discs are use and the cup is a large metal structure.

For more info on the 2021 Central VIC Classic visit bit.ly/3xPbw68.