Byron 20 Rhett Holt

September 10, 2024 BY


GROUP: Michael Lyons Ticket

Rhett Holt

Current occupation and background:

CEO of Super investment and CFO Global Automation Firm, background as an engineer and psychologist.

How long have you been part of the community?

Five years.

Community involvement?

Member Byron Business and Industry Advisory Committee, pro bono mentoring some local small businesses.

Guiding values or principles?

Open and transparent debate and discussion without adherence to short-term political narrative. Minimal bureaucracy.

Are you or have you associated with any political party or cause? No.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Within Byron Independents. Encouraging votes below the line to get the best from each team.

Campaign budget?

I’m donating $5,000.

Top three issues facing your area?

A direct bus service from Ocean Shores to Byron Bay. Antisocial and declining reputation of Byron Bay Town Centre. Preserve green spaces and protect agricultural lands while providing appropriate land for housing.