G-ing up the music scene
The band features Mullumbimby graphic designer and photographer Gaby Borgardts on acoustic guitar and vocals, Coopers Shoot sound engineer Guntis Sics on electric guitar and piano, and Glen Whitehurst, also from Coopers Shoot, on bass.
Borgardts, who has performed both solo and in blues and jazz bands for many years, and Sics met at a party a year ago.
“We began talking about music and decided to meet and just play some tunes together, which was so enjoyable for both that we decided to keep playing and see where it led us,” Borgardts said.
A few months later Sics met Whitehurst and the duo became a trio, playing blues, soul and jazz tunes.
“The rehearsals are always a pleasure exploring new versions of well-known songs – and some originals – with the sounds our instruments have to offer,” Borgardts said.
“We are very much enjoying the sound we create, and we think others will too.”
With all three band members’ first names beginning with G, Borgardts said the 3Gees was a natural choice for the group’s name.
So far, Borgardts and Sics have played a few gigs at Coorabell Hall’s curry night and at The Sleepy Barn cafe/restaurant at Sleepy Hollow, near Pottsville.
The group has also performed as a trio at an open mic night at Bangalow Bowling Club, but they are excited to be upping the ante with their coming brewery gig, from 3pm to 6pm on Sunday, March 30.