Caring for our coastal dunes

September 4, 2024 BY
coastal dune care

Dedicated community members saving and maintaining Tweed's precious dunes. Photo: TWEED LANDCARE

AN ALL-DAY excursion on Friday, September 6, will highlight the work of dune care groups along the coast and waterways they help manage.

The trip starts at 10am and includes a dedicated bus from Tweed Heads and a BYO lunch stop at Hastings Point headland.

The tour will also include visiting and exploring Cabarita Beach, Hastings Point and Pottsville Dunecare sites, and Island Drive Landcare at Tweed Heads.

Volunteer coordinators from each group will guide the walks with interpretive talks for 35 minutes.

The bus will depart from Tweed Heads, John Follent Park, on Keith Compton Drive and will return to the Island Drive Landcare site at Keith Curran Park at 2.30pm, a 10-minute walk along the Tweed River to the John Follent Park starting point.

The $20/$15/$10 cost includes tea and coffee at the lunch stop.

Participants should bring a water bottle, enclosed shoes, sunscreen and a hat.

Bookings are essential at the Tweed Landcare event at