
Funding boost enhances domestic violence support in Northern Rivers

July 24, 2024 BY
Domestic Violence Support NR

NORWACS project manager and non-fatal strangulation pathways site coordinator Emma Siegel, NSW Minister for Health and Regional Health Ryan Park, Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin, NORWACS chief executive Kelly Banister and deputy secretary regional health Luke Sloane. Photo: SUPPLIED

LOCAL women will see enhanced support for domestic violence and sexual assault services with a $130,000 funding increase.

Northern Rivers Women and Children’s Services Incorporated (NORWACS), a community-based charity, offers trauma-informed care and services to support women’s health and wellbeing.

The funding will help the organisation to better assist local women who have experienced sexual, family, or domestic violence.

It will also enhance the significant work done by NSW Health Northern NSW Sexual Assault Services in helping victim-survivors in the region.

Regional Health Minister Ryan Park said the Government was pleased to support NORWACS, which has operated in the region for more than 25 years.

“As Minister for Health, it is one of my priorities to ensure we’re improving access to healthcare services for women, especially vulnerable members of the community who may be impacted by domestic violence,” Mr Park said.

Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin welcomed the additional funding.

“I welcome this extra funding for NORWACS that recognises its great work supporting the health and safety of local women and children,” Ms Saffin said.

“In particular, this is timely support for NORWACS’ project addressing the dangers of non-fatal strangulation in sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

“NORWACS is working to educate the community about the serious risk of brain injury from non-fatal strangulation and is identifying gaps in diagnosis and treatment and delivering training for GPs and health workers to get them up to speed on this issue.

“The extra funding will also allow NORWACS to increase its hours of vital DV outreach work in our region.”