Local staff finalists in NSW awards

October 14, 2024 BY
NSW Health Awards finalists

Tracy Bradshaw (Aboriginal health worker, Chronic Care for Aboriginal People), Sasha Harrington (Aboriginal health engagement and governance manager), Daniel Ashton (Aboriginal health performance and project analyst), Emma-Jane Davies (nurse manager Aboriginal health) and Kirsty Glanville (executive director Aboriginal health, NNSWLHD). Photo: SUPPLIED

NORTHERN NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) staff have been recognised as finalists in the 2024 NSW Health Awards for their exceptional contributions to the public health system.

Two key projects are among the 42 state finalists. The Rheumatic Heart Disease Project, led by Aboriginal health nurse manager Emma-Jane Davies, is in the running for the Excellence in Aboriginal Healthcare Award. The Rural Paediatric Complex Care Coordination Project, which improves care coordination and outcomes for regional families, is up for the Health Innovation Award.

Another finalist, the NSW Dried Blood Spot Validation Study, was developed in partnership with Justice Health, the Forensic Mental Health Network and others. This groundbreaking project aims to make dried blood spot testing a standard diagnostic tool for people at risk of hepatitis C.

NNSWLHD chief executive Tracey Maisey said local finalists had been recognised for their passion and commitment.

“I am thrilled to congratulate our NNSWLHD staff on having their outstanding contributions recognised,” she said.

NSW Health Secretary Susan Pearce AM highlighted the importance of acknowledging the hard work across the health system.

“These awards are a chance to recognise our incredible healthcare staff and volunteers across the public health system,” she said.

The awards ceremony will be held on October 24 at the International Convention Centre in Sydney and will be live-streamed from 6pm.

For more information, visit health.nsw.gov.au/awards.