
New lights installed at Bangalow Sports Fields

July 26, 2024 BY
Bangalow Sports Lights

Bangalow Sports Fields now feature new lighting, following several months of weather-related delays. Photo: SUPPLIED

BANGALOW Sports Fields now feature new lighting, following several months of weather-related delays.

The $795,000 upgrade, funded by the NSW Government’s Essential Community Sports Assets program, is a significant improvement for the local sports community.

Manager of open spaces and facilities Malcolm Robertson thanked the community for their patience during the delay.

“As the community would be aware we needed dry weather to complete this work, which is challenging in the Northern Rivers,” Mr Robertson said.

“We are pleased to see that the lights have now gone in and hope that the sporting groups that utilise the fields enjoy playing under them.

“The new lights are energy-efficient LEDs and while the poles are taller, they have been designed to reduce light spill and will save around $35,000 a year on electricity.

“This means less of an impact on neighbouring properties, as well as on any wildlife in the area, and it will improve safety for people using the fields and the nearby shared path.”

NSW Office of Sport acting chief executive Adam Berry said the lighting demonstrated the state government’s commitment to flood-resilient infrastructure.

“Having these new and more efficient lights in place will mean that the Bangalow sporting community can enjoy more opportunities to play sport and keep the local community healthy and active,” Mr Berry said.

“I look forward to seeing the community and local sporting clubs making the most out of the upgrades.”

Enhanced lighting for evening use was highlighted as a top priority in the feedback on the Bangalow Sports Fields Masterplan.