Records tumble as triathlon grows in popularity

March 10, 2025 BY
Kingscliff Triathlon

The Kingscliff Triathlon will attract up to 1700 competitors on Sunday, March 23. Photo: SUPPLIED

RECORD-BREAKING numbers have elevated the Kingscliff Triathlon as the signature event on the Northern Rivers racing calendar.

It is held twice a year, with the next event on Sunday, March 23 expected to run at capacity.

The triathlon is run by the NX sports group, which also hosts the Byron Bay Triathlon.

NX sports director Mike Crawley said the Kingscliff event has been the biggest tourism generator in town for a decade.

“We’re a destination sport and we run at some amazing locations across the region,” he said.

“Our long-running events have built a lot of prestige and the triathlon in November was the biggest one we’ve ever had.

“We’re on track to beat it again and it’s about the maximum we can hold – between that 1600 to 1700 mark.”

The event still has a community feel to it and is supported by dozens of volunteers from various groups.

The Olympic distance covers a 1500m swim, 40km cycle and 10 km run, with elite athletes from the professional ranks competing.

It forms part of the North Coast Triathlon Series, with sprint distances and new aqua events designed to get juniors involved.

There are bike and water events that cut out the run to attract newcomers and older people to the sport.

“Our big focus is introducing kids to the sport and catering for people looking to achieve a personal goal,” Crawley said.

“They might be competing for the first time; we aim to do whatever we can to help them celebrate that achievement.

“Then you look at all the volunteers who are involved each year.

“The Rotary Club at Banora Tweed have been there since the beginning and the Pottsville Men’s Shed are among our biggest supporters. We have a wonderful relationship with the volunteers and many of them have become our friends.”

The team aims to raise $7000 for the volunteer groups each year, with the Cudgen Surf Lifesaving Club one of the major beneficiaries.

They also support junior rugby league, schools, scouts and Northern Rivers triathlon clubs.

Registrations can be made at .

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