Tradie Talk: Sam McCann Plumbing can!
SAM McCann has committed himself to providing a quality service since establishing a plumbing business in his name about 12 months ago. Based in Jan...
NBN Co extends offer of extra internet capacity
NBN Co has extended its offer to provide up to 40 per cent extra capacity to internet providers at no extra cost for another...
Avalon introduces touchless check-in system
AVALON Airport will be the first airport in Australia to implement touchless self-service through a new deal with Elenium Automation, which says the technology...
VTIC welcomes measures to restart tourism industry
THE state and federal governments have rolled out resources and funding to help businesses get back on their feet as coronavirus restrictions are eased,...
Innovative road safety projects sought
APPLICATIONS for the first round of the federal government’s $12 million Road Safety Innovation Fund will be open until next week. Victorian Senator Sarah Henderson...
Victorian schools to re-open from May 26
VICTORIAN government schools will begin re-opening their doors to students in less than two weeks in the latest easing of coronavirus restrictions just announced...
New COVID-19 respiratory clinic opens in Ocean Grove
A TEMPORARY federally-funded COVID-19 respiratory clinic opened in Ocean Grove last week.
Roadmap for easing of coronavirus restrictions revealed
THE roadmap back to life after the coronavirus has been revealed, but it is not yet clear when restrictions will be eased in Victoria. This...
G21 prepares for life after coronavirus
LEADING lobby group G21 is preparing for the role it will play - alongside all levels of government, business and other bodies - to...
Cancer cluster investigation to be widened
AN INVESTIGATION into a possible cancer cluster on the Bellarine Peninsula has been widened, and the move has bipartisan support from Geelong federal MPs. The...
Coronavirus tracing app not fully functional yet
THE coronavirus tracing app has gone live, and the federal Coalition has linked a possible easing of lockdown restrictions from as early as tomorrow...
What’s in your Bellarine Box?
A PAIR of Bellarine foodies are sharing their love of local produce through a new offering delivered to people’s doors. Bellarine Smokehouse’s Jason Smith and...
Coker wants childcare sector to speak up
CORANGAMITE Labor federal member Libby Coker will hold a virtual town hall meeting later this month to learn more about how the childcare sector...
Get the level of support your business needs
IF YOU are a business owner struggling with your taxes or wanting to ensure you take full advantage of the government’s support schemes, now...
#BuySurfCoast this Mother’s Day
Surf Coast Shire businesses are ready to help you spoil your mum for Mother’s Day. You mightn’t be able to take her out on...
Remote learning model going strong
PARENTS supervising their children as they hit the books must remember they're helping their kids switch to remote learning, not home schooling, says Jan...
Surf tales of Tal
Award-winning Ocean Grove photographer Tal Lemmens has spent the last five years mastering the art of seascape photography. Taking out 14th place in the Australian...
Online safety: safeguarding kids during the pandemic
YMCA Australia’s National Safeguarding Unit has developed a downloadable A3 poster with tips on how to protect children against online predators, as young people...
Painting for inner peace: artist Nikki Holmes shares her journey to canvas
When Nikki Holmes’ marriage broke down in 2014, she became a version of herself she never knew existed. With each sunrise came a wave of...
Tradie Talk: The tree carers climbing to new heights
QUALIFIED arborist Ben Duncanson is proud to specialise in confined space tree care and removal through his business Climb Right Tree Services. Although Ben is...
Chocolaterie’s festival still rocks on this month
THE Great Ocean Road Chocolaterie is giving one of their most popular events an online twist as it prepares to present its annual Rocky...
Torquay netballers pass it on through social media
NETBALL has not escaped the continuing bans on sport during the coronavirus, but the Torquay Tigers are using Instagram to keep their spirits up...
Help foundation’s work shine brightly on Starlight Day
TOMORROW (Friday, May 1) is Starlight Day, and the Starlight Children’s Foundation needs your help to raise $1.3 million to deliver happiness to more...
Online service helps new parents
THE Surf Coast Shire council has launched online support group for first-time parents to support them during lockdown. The First-Time Parent Groups puts new parents...