About: James Taylor

Posts by: James Taylor

April 30, 2020

Capturing the region during lockdown

Despite social distancing, Jan Juc photographer Ferne Millen is bringing the community together one image at a time.

Ferne, who has been a freelance photographer...

April 30, 2020

Borough embarks on live streaming

THE Borough of Queenscliffe’s budget consultation process will reach an inventive conclusion when council hosts a live and interactive presentation on its Facebook page...

April 30, 2020

Great Ocean Report April 2020: Moving through changes


As we look back on our last report in February, we were describing a very different scene to...

April 30, 2020

Report reveals lead indicators for property market’s return to form

A long-term study by MCG Quantity Surveyors is helping define investor trends that will flag the property market’s bounce back after COVID-19.

MCG's 1000 Assets...

April 30, 2020

Fardy Facts: Survival of COVID-19 on surfaces

Hi I am Sarah Fardy, I’m your Surf Coast resident scientist!

I recently started FARDY-FACTS.com.au, an online, interactive space to...

April 30, 2020

Project spreads kindness with a purpose

GEELONG'S Give Where You Live Foundation has launched a new project aimed at sharing good news stories and useful information during the coronavirus pandemic. Titled...

April 30, 2020

Don’t neglect your health during the coronavirus

THE Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has launched a nationwide campaign to stop people from neglecting their health concerns during the COVID-19...

April 30, 2020

Torquay’s Sunnyside Up

Hayden Real Estate’s recent listing in the heart of Old Torquay truly deserves the sometimes-overused depiction “unique”.

But that is exactly what 19 Anderson Street...

April 30, 2020

First Home Owner Grant extended for 12 months

THE Andrews Government is extending the $20,000 First Home Owner Grant for people buying or building a new home for an extra 12 months,...

April 30, 2020

Victorian property market in peak form pre COVID-19

REIV president Leah Calnan says the Victorian property market achieved record-breaking growth prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus, with the REIV quarterly median...

April 30, 2020

Town by Town Snapshot: Charlemont

THE size of Charlemont is about 10.5 square kilometres with the population recorded at 1,798 in 2011. By the 2016 Census, the population was...

April 30, 2020

Grapevine: Rule breakers

When the natural wine movement began a couple of decades ago in France, and even more so in the past 15 years, it was...

April 30, 2020

Tips for getting a good night’s sleep

Community members feeling the strain of coronavirus might be finding it difficult to get a good night’s sleep, but Beyond Blue is here to...

April 30, 2020

Teens encouraged to have a say in national survey

YOUTHS living in the Geelong region are being encouraged to participate in Mission Australia's 19th annual Youth Survey – the largest online poll of...

April 30, 2020

Get nominating for the 2020 Geelong Youth Awards

GREATER Geelong's inspiring young leaders will be celebrated in the 2020 Geelong Youth Awards this July, with nominations now open for people aged 12-25. The...

April 29, 2020

WSL postpones all events until at least July, announces new tour structure for 2021

THE World Surf League (WSL) has extended its hiatus as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, postponing or cancelling all events, at all levels...

April 27, 2020

Sod turned at Coridale as construction draws closer

VILLAWOOD Properties’ new Coridale project is set to host the first homes in the new Lara west growth precinct. Construction has begun at the O’Halloran’s...

April 24, 2020

Supporting Local Business with free social distancing floor decals

Torquay-based business DBM Signs is using their expertise to help the community stay safe during coronavirus by offering free floor decals for local businesses. With...

April 24, 2020

Be sure, with QuickSure Plumbing

ASHLEY of QuickSure Plumbing is a second-generation plumber who, about three years ago, took over what was his dad’s family business of nearly four...

April 24, 2020

Prototype tiny house project has big ambitions

A COLLABORATION between a Geelong technology company, a Geelong short-term accommodation provider and Deakin University has created a tiny house that aims to achieve...

April 23, 2020

Turn our state blue in support of police

The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation has expressed its deepest sympathies to the families of the four police who died last night in a...

April 23, 2020

Spirit of Tasmania to move to Geelong

THE Spirit of Tasmania is getting a new home in Victoria, with TT-Line Company moving its port operations for the ferry from Station Pier...

April 23, 2020

Be a parent to your child at home, not a teacher

Term two began last week in Victoria in very different circumstances because of the coronavirus, and Deakin University is offering some advice to parents...

April 23, 2020

Unemployment rate set to double

THE unemployment rate has been predicted to double to 10 per cent in the June quarter, and some local businesses are already under pressure...