
The best option for hip and knee osteoarthritis

August 19, 2024 BY
Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment

The team behind Allied Physiotherapy in Ocean Grove: (L-R) Ben Bisset, Ben Crowe and Jemuel Pryse.

Allied Physiotherapy in Ocean Grove has been facilitating and fine tuning the delivery of the GLA:D program for more than five years.

GLA:D, short for Good Living with Arthritis: Denmark, is a seven-week education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms.

Participants develop skills to manage their OA and become more comfortable and confident with exercises that can easily be applied to everyday activities.

GLA:D Australia is a Not-For-Profit initiative led by La Trobe University.

It consists of:

An initial appointment to explain the program and measure your current functional ability

Two educational sessions which teach you about OA, its risk factors, treatment options, and self management strategies

Small group exercise sessions twice a week for six weeks to improve your control of the joint, your confidence in the joint and your strength

A review at three months with your clinician to discuss progress and goals, and remeasure your functional ability, and

Completions of a questionnaire on registering with the program, and then again at three and 12 months after registration to measure changes in areas such as pain, function, quality of life, and medication use.

The team behind Allied Physiotherapy loves sharing this journey with its GLA:D participants, watching them improve, and gaining friends along the way.

Allied Physiotherapy also love that the GLA:D program provides a safe alternative to historical first treatment options that focus on medication and surgery, and improves participants ability to participate more actively in work and recreational activities.

There are three coming GLA:D course dates:

August 19

October 7

November 4

GLA:D is just one of the many musculoskeletal health services provided by Allied Physiotherapy.