Home Care Packages can be key for quality of life

December 8, 2023 BY

Kenneth receives personal care four times a week and other support services organised by his genU case manager.

For Kenneth Insley, a Home Care Package has allowed him to stay living at home and independent in his senior years.

The former landscape gardener and keen fisher moved from the family home to his Bendigo retirement community in 2018.

Managing ongoing health and mobility issues, Kenneth relies on personal care four times a week and other support services organised by his genU case manager Pauline Tonkin.

“Packages are government funded to assist people over 65 to be able to stay at home longer and safely,” Pauline said.

“People get to stay in their own home much longer. They are in their own space and control their own day-to-day routine. It’s also a comfort for families to have someone committed to their parent’s care who visits on a regular basis.”

Pauline works with Package recipients and their families to simplify the process and create a care plan that suits their life.

“I feel lucky to support older people to live happy, healthy lives,” Pauline said.

For fiercely independent 87-year-old Malcolm Kruss, a Home Care Package allows him to keep doing the things he loves in his local community, including his weekly Friday visits to the Enfield RSL.

In April, the Adelaide resident started getting support including meals, cleaning and gardening through his genU Home Care Package.

The care and support he receives, “absolutely helps me to live at home”, said Malcolm. He values the opportunity to continue his decades-long involvement and contribution to the RSL.

As Malcolm’s genU case manager, Anna Dudek works closely with local carers and services to help recipients access quality care and the most out of their Package funding.

“Everyone’s situation is unique, we focus on understanding people’s specific needs and personalise their Package plan,” said Anna.

“We help people to get the most out of their Package, so they can access quality care and live the way they want to.”

For more information, head to genu.org.au or phone 1300 558 368.

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