Guide for growth

August 12, 2021 BY

Pakington Street's northern end, towards Church Street, is expected to accommodate growth, with design and landscaping prioritised.

PARKING, design flexibility for the retail heritage precinct and building heights are among the latest changes to the proposed urban design framework for Geelong West’s Pakington Street and Gordon Avenue.

The interim final UDF, which has been in development for almost four years, is out for public feedback and is nearing the end of the process before the City of Greater Geelong considers it for adoption.

The UDF will outline controls for future development, and guides future investment in three precincts: the heritage core – retail and activity centre, Pakington North and Gordon Avenue.

The framework focuses on short-term street improvements, long-term renewal projects and enabling infill development in strategic locations.

Following extensive community engagement with key groups, the interim final UDF has been refined to respond to a range of issues and concerns such as building heights, amenity, traffic impacts and prioritises landscaping and greenery.

The UDF proposes predominantly mid-scale heights between four and 10 storeys, in order to be sensitive to the adjacent low-scale residential areas while increasing development potential.

For example, the tallest buildings in the Pakington North precinct are proposed on the Rail Sidings Yard and the Pakington Strand site and, in the Gordon Avenue precinct, the tallest buildings are proposed at the Latrobe Terrace and Gordon Avenue intersection.

The interim final UDF commits to the incorporation of a parking plan for Pakington Street to manage car parking as the area develops.

A Traffic Network Assessment is currently underway to highlight additional road infrastructure upgrades or requirements, responding to traffic congestion concerns, while footpath and bike path upgrades will support walking and cycling.

The framework now includes existing laneways in urban renewal projects, along with a recommendation to prepare a night-time economy strategy for the Heritage Core precinct.

Previous opportunities for local businesses, residents and interest groups to develop and respond to the UDF have included public and trader workshops, online surveys, online meetings, mailed submissions and phone interviews.

The city encourages community members to make an online submission on the interim final UDF via its website, email or in writing to the Urban Design and Heritage Unit at Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 104, Geelong, VIC 3220.

Consultation on the interim final UDF will close at 5pm on September 17, 2021.