Be mindful of your mental health

May 19, 2022 BY

After two years of operating on fight or flight, it is no wonder why many of us are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

For some, a holiday, entering back into better sleeping and eating habits, and picking up an exercise routine, all may be enough to recharge the batteries.

However, this certainly isn’t the same for everyone. For some, even thinking about attempting any of these changes may be overwhelming enough.

If you don’t feel like yourself for an extended period of time – say, longer than three weeks – it’s a good sign that you should reach out and speak to someone.

A good place to start is a close family member or friend.

Speaking to someone that you trust may help you look at things in a different way or help you find solutions and make a difference to how you feel.

If you are not comfortable talking to someone close to you or if you feel like you need further support, do not feel ashamed to seek help from a professional.

Who can I speak to?

If you feel you need the support from a professional, in many cases the first step is to reach out to your General Practitioner (GP).

Your GP can work with you to write out a plan that meets your goals and needs and outlines treatment options and support services that you may require to reach these goals.

As part of your plan, your GP may also refer you to more specific health practitioners such as psychologists or occupational therapists to better assist with your treatment.

How can my pharmacist help?

If you are on any current medications or if you have been newly prescribed a medication to support your mental health, it is important to regularly speak to your Pharmacist and ensure you’re taking your medication correctly.

Your Pharmacist can provide information on:
• How the medication works to assist with your health
• How long it takes for the medication to start working, so you know what to expect
• Any potential side-effects you may need to look out for
• Any interactions the medication may have with other prescription medications or over-the-counter medications
• The best way to take your medication, i.e. whether it is best to take your medication in the morning or night, before food or after food.

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. If something just doesn’t feel quite right, don’t delay seeking help.