City keeps spotlight on youth mental health

December 10, 2020 BY

City of Greater Geelong Junior Mayor Farzana Hussaini.

THE City of Greater Geelong council has reaffirmed its commitment to continue supporting young people’s mental health in the municipality, by asking the chief executive officer to consider the development of a mental health service promotion project group.

The proposed group would bring together information about mental health services in the community and share it with young people, who might not be aware of what supports are available or where to access them.

The Youth Council recommended the group be created as part of its fourth and final report to council last night, which was presented by Junior Mayor Farzana Hussaini.
Mental health and wellbeing is a priority area of the Youth Council, which reconnected with non-profit organisation headspace over the past two months to learn more about how the Geelong region’s youth can be better supported.

The junior councillors have also advocated for the Youth Council to develop a long-term plan that outlines the priorities and goals for young people over the next three to four years.
These priorities, which would be informed by the Council Plan and a Youth Summit, would update the next Youth Council on what’s been achieved by previous junior councillors and proposed actions towards long-term goals.

The Youth Council has also met with a local representative from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria to learn about the Treaty process.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the council group enjoyed learning more about what matters to young people.

“A big thanks to the youth councillors for their dedication to furthering youth mental health and other issues, as well as their well-thought out recommendations and passion to learn.

“You’ve achieved a lot this year despite challenges from the pandemic. I hope this experience has taught you more about local government and leadership.”

Miss Hussaini thanked the Council for mentoring the youth councillors this year.

“The youth councillors appreciate the Council taking the time to hear our perspectives on issues, during what’s been a rollercoaster year thanks to the pandemic,” she said.

“The junior councillors have learned and achieved a lot by adapting to the pandemic environment and moving our meetings and engage-ment with young people online.”