Escape the Ordinary: Geelong Regional Libraries to bring the fun this school holidays

Dave O'Neill (pictured here with daughter Stevie) will be running a meet the author session at the Torquay Library on April 14. Photos: SUPPLIED
During the coming April school holidays, children and youth are encouraged to “escape the ordinary” during the Geelong Regional Libraries events program.
Taking place over the two-week school holiday period, attendees can participate in a range of boredom busting activities that will tap into creativity, broaden their knowledge and bring imagination to their writing and storytelling.
Fun events that are on the agenda include a “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party” at Waurn Ponds Library and a “Mythological Watercolours” session at Torquay Library where you can find mythical creatures hiding in the watercolour paintings you create and bring them out of the dark.
Local author Dave O’Neill is also set to pop into Torquay Library to talk about his new book The Seagull Who Soared’ on Friday April 14, while those aged 13-18 can head to the Colac Library for a special interactive writing workshop called “Hear My Voice” with award-winning spoken word and slam poet champion Ren Alessandra.

Geelong Regional Libraries chief executive officer Vanessa Schernickau said the school holiday program would be a fantastic opportunity for children and youth to make new friends and learn new skills.
“The library is a safe and inclusive space, everyone is welcome to pop in over the school holidays whether for a session or just to browse, relax, game or hang out,” she said.
“Not only do our school holiday programs foster a lifelong love of reading, but we also offer programs that promote digital literacy – from learning how to use green screen technology to coding and robotics.”
Events are designed for those aged between 5 and 15 and some are open to all ages.
Many of the events require bookings, which can be made by heading to