Family Magic begins with a rainbow story

January 18, 2023 BY

The Rainbow Tree features singing and live music, played on instruments and objects you could find around the house. Photo: MANOURI PEIRIS CREDI

THE Geelong Arts Centre will open its 2023 Family Magic program next week with The Rainbow Tree.

Gracing the Limelight Studio in four shows over two days, The Rainbow Tree brings colour, curiosity and craft together for a very special performance.

What happens when you invite seven children from Rainbow Families to create a show?

You end up with a disco koala, a wildebeest, a farting unicorn and a fairy that can freeze tickle monsters all co-habiting in a very tall, yet tiny Rainbow Tree.

This is what it’s like living in a Rainbow Family – everyone is welcome and anything is possible.

The Rainbow Tree is musical storytelling with moving image.

Written with children from Rainbows Families, it shares personal and imagined stories around the idea of family, identity and community.

Performed by two queer super Aunties, Aunty Bear and ZaZa from Fat Fruit (Bec Matthews and Sarah Ward), the show features singing and live music, played on instruments and objects you could find around the house.

The play features a disco koala, a wildebeest, a farting unicorn and a fairy that can freeze tickle monsters. Photo: FACEBOOK/PERFORMING LINES


The songs are brought to life through the projected visual images of Jolyon James (Arena Theatre Company) featuring animation, illustrations and the children themselves.

The stories of The Rainbow Tree were collected through Zoom meetings during the six month Melbourne lock down.

These children were isolated from their friends and extended families and had limited opportunity for adventures.

This did not stop them imagining new worlds to explore – worlds inhabited by animals and magical beings, where they could be super versions of themselves and dig up 4,005 golden cupcakes.

The show is 45 minutes long with no interval, and is suitable for children aged 4-8 and their adults.

The Rainbow Tree, by Fat Fruit, will be performed at Limelight Studio 4, Geelong Arts Centre (enter via Ryrie Street), Geelong on Thursday, January 19 at 10am and 1pm and on Friday, January 20 at 10am and 1pm.

For more information or to purchase tickets, head to, or phone the Geelong Arts Centre box office on 1300 251 200 between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.