Geelong’s headspace services share in extra federal funds

June 18, 2020 BY

Some of the staff at headspace Geelong, pictured before the coronavirus pandemic.

Geelong’s headspace service will share in a $24.2 million federal government investment to reduce wait times and fast-track access to mental health services for young people aged 12–25 seeking appointments.

The Geelong branches of the national youth mental health foundation will use its $237,000 tranche of funding to support increased staffing for intake assessment and intervention as well as enhanced clinical supervision for student placements.
Victorian Senator Sarah Henderson said the investment would ensure young Australians could get information, advice, understanding, counselling and treatment, when and where they needed it.
“headspace is somewhere young people can get professional help, peer support and feel comfortable enough to tackle their challenges in a way that is right for them.
“headspace provides access to free or low cost youth-friendly, primary mental health services with a single entry point to holistic care in four key areas—mental health, related physical health, substance misuse, and social and vocational support.”
Geelong has three headspace sites – 105 Yarra Street in central Geelong, in the Corio Village Shopping Centre and at Peninsula Drive, Drysdale – all operated by Barwon Child, Youth and Family.
Minister for Health Greg Hunt said the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on young Australians.
“One in four young Australians are affected by a mental health illness every year, and as we battle COVID-19 it’s more important than ever that we prioritise mental health.
“Funding will go to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT and headspace National.”
Before the pandemic, headspace service centres were experiencing high demand across the country.
Individual grants of up to $2 million will improve facilities, access and reduce waiting times at headspace services commissioned by PHNs.
The headspace Demand Management and Enhancement Program is an investment of $152 million over seven years from 2018-19 by the Morrison Government to reduce wait times at headspace services.
Minister for Youth Senator Richard Colbeck said the funding demonstrated the Morrison Government’s commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians.
“Children, young people and their families have been identified as a vulnerable population in the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan.
“We know this group will experience the impact of the social and economic outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic the most.”
For more information on headspace Geelong or to use any of their services, phone 5222 6690 or email [email protected].