Heart Foundation welcomes tougher tobacco regulations

The Heart Foundation hopes new restrictions around tobacco sales will drive down cardiovascular disease and other smoking-related illnesses. Photo: PIXABAY
The Heart Foundation has welcomed the Victorian government’s passing of reforms to minimise illegal tobacco sales.
The Tobacco Amendment (Tobacco Retailer and Wholesaler Licensing Scheme) Bill 2024 was passed in parliament and will introduce strong controls around the sale of the product.
Heart Foundation Victorian manager Chris Enright commended the Victorian government and said it was an action public health experts and chronic disease organisations had been advocating for.
“Similar legislation is already in place in other states and territories and has been shown to have a positive impact on reducing tobacco smoking and the availability of tobacco to children.
“Smoking presents major heart health risks to people living in Australia.
“Smoking makes people four times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke and three times more likely to die from sudden cardiac disease.”
As part of the legislation, a licensing system for tobacco retailers and wholesalers in Victoria will be introduced.

The bill will ensure:
Only licensed retailers are permitted to sell tobacco
Licenses are generated exclusively to individuals deemed “fit and proper” after passing a rigorous test
Retailers can be denied a license based in their history and known associates
Enhanced search powers facilitate quicker and easier raids, searches, and seizures of illicit products from retailers suspected of organised crime links.
Fines exceeding $355,000 or up to 15 years imprisonment for individuals selling illicit tobacco, and
Fines more than $1.7 million for businesses found selling illicit tobacco
A new tobacco regulator will also be established made up of dedicated inspectors, administering the licencing scheme and responsible for the enforcement and compliance of licences.
The new laws and regulations will be the toughest in Australia and will come into effect when the act starts,
The new licensing scheme will begin to roll out from the middle of next year.
Ms Enright said the new bill will help to drive down cardiovascular disease and other smoking-related illnesses.
According to the Heart Foundation, smoking rates are coming down in Australia but there are still more than 20,000 deaths caused by smoking every year.
Tobacco smoke is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and is responsible for 12 per cent of the burden (death and illness) of cardiovascular disease in Australia.
The Heart Foundation supports several measures to lower the number of Australians smoking, including making smoking less affordable, increasing the number of smoke-free environments, and regulating the contents of cigarettes and smoking-related products.
For more information, head to heartfoundation.org.au/about-us/advocacy/smoking-and-tobacco-regulation